Our clinic and experience through years

Pandeli Gliozheni

“Gliozheni” clinic has a very old history of its medical activities. It is created for the first time in Korça, in 1905, when the doctor Pandeli Gliozheni, opened, in his house, a clinic for treatment of internal and ophthalmology diseases. Pandeliu had finished his higher studies in medicine in Athens and specialized in Paris. He was one of the few doctors with a very good reputation in the city Korça of that time.

Koço Gliozheni

This Clinic was then inherited by his doctor son, Koço Gliozheni, who had graduated studies for medicine and specialization for surgery and obstetrics – gynecology in University of Athens. He first worked as a surgeon in the hospital of Korça as well as in the Clinic together with his father and then himself as a general practitioner, but also as a surgeon gynecologist.
In 1949, Koço Gliozheni transferred in Tirana and in 1951 was appointed Director of the University Hospital of Obstetrics – Gynecology Tirana. Besides his activity as a gynecologist in this institution, he reopened in his house the “Gliozheni” clinic. The clinic was one of the most prominent and the most frequented structures during that time in Tirana.
With the opening of the University of Tirana in 1957, Koço Gliozheni appointed Head of Department of Obstetrics – Gynecology, a post he held until retirement. In 1958 he granted the title of professor, together with the 7 first Albanian professors. The clinic was closed in the early 60s as a result of the communist government to prevent the Albanian private medical activity.

Orion Gliozheni

“Gliozheni” clinic reopened in 1992 by Orion Gliozheni the son of Koço and the grandson of Pandeliu. Orion newly returned from specialization in gynecology in Paris and his return coincided with the establishment of a democratic system, where private health activity was allowed again. Since then, the “Gliozheni” clinic has nearly 20 years that provides a valuable contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of obstetrical and gynecological pathologies and in infertility field in Albania. In 2003, under the direction of Prof. Orion Gliozheni, started for the first time in Albania, near the clinic the process of in vitro fertilization (FIV-ET), and today there are over 1000 children born with these methods as a result of the work of this clinic, giving these couples the greatest happiness of their lives, making them parents.

“Gliozheni” Clinic Today

Today, “Gliozheni” clinic is one of the most complete and popular private structures in Albania, in the field of obstetrics, gynecology and infertility. It has in its composition a group of doctors, who have been working for years in the specialty and particularly in the field of diagnosis and treatment of infertility couple. Members of the group are also some gynecologists and other specialists, who through consultancies, guide and consult their patients here by influencing the decisions and therapeutic strategies. The clinic also disposes modern technology and equipment, which undoubtedly affect the very good results of the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.

Professional Collaboration


Medical laboratory


European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology


American Society for Reproductive Medicine


Clinica di Fecondazione Medicalmente Assistita